Thursday, 4 January 2007

Angel Sanctuary Wallpaper

There are some talented people on the net with graphics! I found this really nice Angel Sanctuary wallpaper for my desktop:

I'd like to do nice graphic things like that, it's a pity there isn't that many Paint Shop Pro tutorials on the net that cover things like wallpapers, avatars, signatures etc.


I've seen an advert on the TV twice now for an Anime magazine called Manga (???) Yes it's that company that has things to do with Anime...yet calls themselves Manga :P As usual with magazines the first issue is quite cheap at £2.99. However after that they are charging £8.99! There's no way I'm gonna pay that much every two weeks. I think you get an anime DVD with each issue... but it's not like you have a choice which one you get and they could be really bad ones after a few issues.

Would be nice if there was another magazine out sometime that wasn't daylight robbery in it's price.

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